An Artist Inserts Her Ginger Cat In All Of The Famous Paintings

Svetlana Petrova, an artist from Russia, told us that she met a very talented cat and adopted him after his mum passed away. She believes that this Ginger cat saved her from getting into depression. Zarasthustra was dear to her mother as well and this is the reason why Svetlana and the cat have developed such strong bond. The artist says about Zarasthustra, “He adores posing for photos. It makes such coquettish poses and clever faces as if to say: ‘Paint me like these French girls…’ So I do.”

“I am an artist by profession, and Zarathustra chose a right person to be his human slave. Now I have more than 7 000 photos of Zarathustra in my computer. I photoshop the cat carefully into a famous paintings’ digital image. It’s a challenge, he has to fit perfectly into a masterpiece, in position, in expression, and sometimes it takes months to get the right photo. I print my works and paint them, emulating the style of the great masters, to make the cat’s image look very natural in well-known masterpieces”, says Svetlana.

Svetlana has managed to insert Zarasthustra in historical and very popular paintings like Mona Lisa and Joconde.

“… my cat introduces modern people to the history of art in a cute and funny way and shows that everybody can be creative, even a cat!” – Svetlana Petrova

Check these art-pieces out and let us know what you think!

More info: | Fat Cat Art Book

Leonardo da Vinci, Mona Lisa, true version.

Salvador Dali, the persistence of meowmory.

Jacques-Louis David, Napoleon crossing the alps.

Edgar Degas, the ballet class.

David, the death of Marat. Je suis Charlie.

Andrea Mantegna, Oculus (Ceiling fresco).

Pygmalion and Galatea, Jean-Léon Gérôme.

Karl Bryullov, a rider on the cat.

Jacob Jordaens, the feast of cats and humans.

Carracci Perseus and Phineas Cat.

Zarathustra in his studio.

Famous movies with improvisation:

“Some Like it Kot” – Zarathustra the cat reenacts Marilyn Monroe singing “I Wanna Be Loved By You” in “Some Like It Hot”.

Sunset Boulevard II – “I am ready for my close-up!” – Zarathustra reenacts Gloria Swanson.

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